Charlotte Catering Service Reviews,
N. Carolina Wedding & Event Tips
Welcome to the Charlotte bride's greatest dilema: urban or country? Many brides from more rural or metropolitan have no question or hesitation, but as a Charlotte bride you've had a taste of the both: you've done the Charlotte commute, can navigate numbered streets and parking garages and may laugh at friends from the middle of nowhere North or South Carolina that get freaked out by a trip to the next exit or simple uptown excursion, but let's face it: this isn't NYC here. To help you decide what venue is "you" and how to keep true to your real roots, we've devised a wedding venue quiz for our torn brides out there. Take it here:

The Charlotte Bridal Venue Quiz

Here's how it works: we'll score your answer with a color, and at the end we'll tell you what your color means! Now no cheating, let's begin:

1. What do you think of the photo to the left?
Green - It looks so beautiful!
Blue - I'd like to look at it and feel the breeze.
Red - Pretty. Can I have a drink while I look at it?
White - It's nice. I think I'll pick them and put them inside by the window.
Yellow - Nice, but I'm not quite that country.
Purple - I love to get away to see the outdoors, but I don't know if a wedding is the right place.
Brown - My kind of people like to get down with nature and the outdoors!

2. What's your drink of choice?
Green - Cocktail with mint garnish
Blue - Rum with blue mix
Red - Wine
White - Champagne
Yellow - Fruity Mojito 
Purple - Cosmopolitan
Brown - Sweet Tea or lemonade

3. How do you feel about outdoor weddings?
Green - Completely worth the risk to be out in nature on a great day!
Blue - They make the perfect backdrop for wedding ceremonies, as long as it's not too hot and the view is good.
White - I feel like they can make you lose a little bit of the close knit community feel and sacredness of the event.
Red - They can be gorgeous, given the right environment.
Yellow - It's great to have a little distance from the big city, but it's great to have part of it outdoors then have a backup or more controlled environment.
Purple - I'd rather see an exciting skyline out of the window.
Brown - There's nothing like the great outdoors - fields of rolled hay that go on forever and a farmhouse for everyone to celebrate in.

4. Which is your biggest pet peeve at weddings?
Green - When people are wasteful with their decor and the venue is stuffy and plain, nothing is beautiful.
Blue - When someone's wedding theme is vague and their venue is uninspiring without a view.
Red - When there's no alcohol or good, relaxed conservations.
White - Weddings that don't incorporate their faith - I think that really makes it miss something important.
Yellow - When people have these crazy unfamiliar venues and guests feel out of place and the vendors are all over the place.
Purple - Having to drive over an hour to god-knows-where only to be attacked by mosquitoes, get sunburned and have your heels sink in the mud.
Brown - When people lose touch with their country roots and family ties - nothing feels personalized or rustic, and too formal.

5. What word sums up how you want your wedding to feel?
Green - Botantical organic chic 
Blue - Shoreline Natural beauty
Red - Wines, dining, and laughter
White - Faith-centric celebration
Yellow - Moderate classic traditional
Purple - Classy urban socialite
Brown - Rustic casual country

Your Results

Mostly Green: Garden / Organic Wedding
Mostly Blue: Wedding on the Lake
Mostly Red: Upscale Vineyard Venue
Mostly White: Place of Worship Wedding
Mostly Yellow: Country Club or Suburban Venue
Mostly Purple: Uptown / City Venue
Mostly Brown: Country / Farm Wedding Venue

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