Charlotte Catering Service Reviews,
N. Carolina Wedding & Event Tips
Welcome to the Charlotte bride's greatest dilema: urban or country? Many brides from more rural or metropolitan have no question or hesitation, but as a Charlotte bride you've had a taste of the both: you've done the Charlotte commute, can navigate numbered streets and parking garages and may laugh at friends from the middle of nowhere North or South Carolina that get freaked out by a trip to the next exit or simple uptown excursion, but let's face it: this isn't NYC here. To help you decide what venue is "you" and how to keep true to your real roots, we've devised a wedding venue quiz for our torn brides out there. Take it here:

From our site, you may just think we're going to be talking about wedding catering services. Well, we're here to let you know that this blog goes out to all the Charlotte foodies and those looking for North Carolina wedding inspiration.

Whether you're trying to decide whether seersucker suits are too much or if all your employees will be okay with one gallon or two gallons of sweet tea, we're here to help. Stay tuned for updates, and welcome!!

Catering Charlotte NC