Charlotte Catering Service Reviews,
N. Carolina Wedding & Event Tips
As the president, CEO, VP, team leader or manager of a business in an urban setting like Charlotte, it can be hard to know what exactly will please everyone and not offend any religious dietary needs while still having delicious food that fits the budget for catering your meeting. 

The American business community is pushing for inclusion and diversity, but often makes the mistake of not paying attention to these cultural differences when it comes to food preferences. When employees go to a business event with their company and can't eat anything there, it's bound to make them feel frustrated and not valued. If you are planning a meeting or corporate meal, these tips will help keep you on the right path:

1. Know Your Employees
This is the first and often most important step. Pay attention to employees that ask for special meal accommodations, might be bringing young children to an event, etc. You can only plan for what you know, so the better you know your employee's preferences, the better meal you can prepare to suit their needs. Send out a memo for attendees asking if anyone has any diet preferences if you are still unsure, or just want to be safe.

2. Stick with Chicken and Vegetables
While some Charlotte caterers may try to steer you towards more stereotypical southern food like BBQ and fried dishes, this may not be the best choice or the most flexible for a diverse work force. Whether you have vegetarian, vegan, kosher/Muslim, or gluten-free diets on staff, vegetables are almost always a safe option, and chicken is eaten pretty universally and doesn't offend most religious diets. For gluten free, 

3. Give Lots of Options and Keep Foods Separated
For those food allergies like soy or gluten, it's best to keep sauces and dressing separate and let people put it on themselves. If someone does have a serious food allergy, let your caterer and the people preparing the food know so it is cooked separately. Even small or indirect exposure to allergens can be deadly for those with serious allergies. Those who follow a religious diet may avoid certain kinds of meat or want it prepared a certain way (perhaps don't cook the pork with everything else without cleaning it in between), so the safest option is just to have lots of options. That way, everyone can eat their fill and get back to business. It's best to hire a caterer that will work with you personally to address your company's specific needs.

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